I miss you as if I was born
from your rib.
I lived in you, and now I am torn
cruelly away, a lover from her love
as a head from its shoulders
or a mother from her child.
And here I am and there you are,
affection a string tying us together.
I say ‘won’t it snap?’, you say ‘don’t worry’,
and all of a sudden, I am okay.
You say ‘I love you’, I say ‘love you more’,
nothing is settled but no one is torn.
And I am worn out but
still a romantic, untouched but
still being held.
Held by the string, perhaps, that of affection,
which like you will never falter -
that tightrope we walk
for love.
I miss you as if I do breathe
through your nose.
I live in you, and so when I leave
I will not be lost but seen to remain,
as my mother’s eyes in mine
and your father’s in yours.
And here I am and there you are,
something eternal keeping us together.
You say ‘what’s that?’, I say ‘doesn’t matter’,
because after all, we are okay.
I say ‘I love you’, you say ‘love you more’,
nothing is known but no one is hurt.
And I am tired but
still optimistic, undiscovered but
still understood.
Understood by you, I know, you from a distance,
who like me are ever present
on that tightrope we walk
for love.