Today I met up with César Falco, Secretary of Breakz, to talk about the topic on everyone’s lips: campus nightlife. You may yawn and think ‘do we really need to talk about this again?’ but I’m here to tell you we do.
If you don’t know Breakz, they’re the DJ society on campus who both teach students how to DJ and plan events to showcase them too. Recently they’ve had success with their events such as ‘Head in The Clouds’, selling out well before doors opened, and shifting 250 tickets. Evidently there is a market for campus nightlife. Especially since the student nights in town are failing to evolve with the time and demands of the students but also as our precious venues are closing.
César will also be transforming the Lounge soon for an intimate night called ‘Nebula Presents: Running Blind’ on March 6th. For those interested in disco and non-commercial house, this is the night for you. This is a new venture he’s trying to promote, straying from the drum and bass past that Breakz is known for. Starting off with a clean slate to provide a cheap, accessible event for students to enjoy. César is committed to putting on an event that’s not for profit for this very reason, believing that a good night out shouldn’t have to be expensive or exclusive. The night will feature the music stylings of: Nicholas Dann, Ben Cameron (DJ B:Cam), Ollie Martin, Jakub Lukaszonek (DJ Ichor) and Joe Gent so it is sure to be a great night.
At HARD we are committed to celebrating and promoting student run events as we believe it’s important to support these ventures which create opportunities for new artists and add to the culture at our uni. In the future we hope to see even more events from Breakz with some exciting ones soon to be announced. Breakz are always interested in nurturing new collaborations with people who have both enthusiasm and ideas so if that sounds like you please get in touch with them via breakz@yusu.org.
In other exciting events news, following the devastating closure of one of our favourite venues: Mansion, it has been announced that they’re reopening under their original name ‘Ziggy’s’. Whilst Phats have already confirmed the return of their legendary Friday nights we hope this reopening will provide both the space and an opportunity for new events to pop up. Otherwise we’ll be attending the on campus events in the hopes that eventually Charlie Jeffery will eventually listen to our cries that we want and need a student’s union building.
With the success of past events and the continual effort that Breakz puts into their events we hope they can prove that we have the demand for on campus events that justifies it.
So what’s next? César hopes that next year Breakz will continue their good work and grow both their events and their exposure whilst keeping it always cheap and accessible.
for a very affordable £3 online or £4 on the door, for those prices why wouldn’t you come?!
Bea Fraser